Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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Let what you love doing guide you

We've all been there, stuck doing mundane tasks that don't fulfil us or move us closer to actually creating the impact we set up our business for.

If you're feeling like this I wanted to share another way to be in your business.

It's a pretty radical approach (for most I think) but it being led by what I love to do.

It doesn't (like many would think) mean you forget about ever doing the things you don't like, struggle with or find quite mundane, but that you build your business round focusing in on what truly lights you up.

4 areas I love right now and how focussing on them is helping my business:

  • Connecting with, speaking to and supporting social entrepreneurs and changemakers >> this has helped me think about exactly how I create more space for being with us others online and in person, by building more community in to my programmes and continuing to host retreats and live training (sign-up here to find out about my next retreat for female social entrepreneurs)

  • Building confidence around generating money through sales across the social impact sector >> which has given me renewed confidence to just pursue without apology the importance of revenue through sales, how to do it with values & ethics and continuing to challenge the over-simplified narrative that money and selling is bad (we can do so much better than this!)

  • Seeing clients transform their way of thinking and lead incredible businesses for social and environmental change >> taking time to focus on my coaching and growing this part of my business, whilst also developing my experience as a coach, so I can I continue to support my clients at deeper and deeper levels of transformation (find out more here about how we could work together)

  • Strategy and planning the detail >> means I'm intentionally taking more time to plan my week and connecting it back to the big picture vision, so I always feel like I'm actually moving the needle forward by focusing on the tasks that are most important to achieving my big ambitious goals (let me know if you'd like to see how I actually do this with a tool called asana)

  • Having a mix of work and time with my kids throughout the work week (I don't want to do either full time) >> which has led to me trying lots of different combinations of working and being with the kids that isn't structured around a 9-5 week (does this even work for anyone anyway?), as well as allowing it be flexible and change each week / month

What do you love doing and how could it transform the way you run your business this month?

Let me know in the comments or message me directly on Instagram