The key to successful sales and clients flocking to you

There was a lesson in todays coaching call with the Fully Funded Bootcamp VIP members that I just had to share with you here....about the key to making more sales and having clients flocking to you.

Do you want to know what it was?

It's knowing that your offer isn't the thing you're selling.

Your offer is important but it's not the most important thing.

Your offer needs to be clear in your head but it doesn't need you to spend weeks stressing over every little detail and word and image.

Your offer is not what makes sales.

It's knowing that your ready-to-buy, dream clients are looking for and want you!

You make sales not your offer.

So stop focusing all your time trying to get it perfect, and just start getting you and it out there, so people actually know you exist and are ready to work with them to solve their problem or get them the result they want.

Yes you need to have an offer. Yes I teach in my Sell to Corporate programme how to create your offer and get it out there. Yes I do this so your offer is clear in your own head and you can focus on talking about one thing (initially). But it's not your offer that people are actually looking for or decide to buy.

They will not decide to buy based on whether or not you have one extra feature in your offer or if you use one word over another in the copy, they will find you because you're out there doing your marketing, they will buy from you because they see you have expertise, can help them get the result they want and like you (or they won't, and that's no reflection on your or them, they just don't want to buy from you at this moment in time, so let go of the idea that means your offers "not right").

People buy/invest in/fund/choose to work with people (not offers).

You're ready-to-buy, dream clients and customers are looking for you and your business.

You and your experience.

You and your expertise.

You and the approach you uniquely take them through.

Be confident in that, and start showing up and sharing it so those people can find you and your offer.

That's all, have a great day!

Kat Luckock