5 mistakes Social Entrepreneurs make when starting and growing their business

Learning from other people’s mistakes can avoid you making them and save you time (and money)! So in this blog I share 5 common mistakes I see social entrepreneurs (new and emerging) making all the time. I share these with you so you can make some changes to how you run your enterprise and speed up your growth and development.

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How I grew my social enterprise to £150k/year in 18 months

It’s one of the things I’m most proud of – setting up a social enterprise and making it sustainable within a two-year period. But this isn’t a blog about how wonderful I am or how easy it was to generate £150k/year income – it really wasn’t.

This is a blog about the lessons we learnt and three things you can do to generate sales as a social entrepreneur.

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Thinking bigger and bolder in 2019...

Your first year in business is never easy but if you get through it it’s a huge achievement. But then what? I had spent so much time focused on getting through the first year I forgot to plan for what was next. In this weeks blog I share the challenges I faced at the end of my first year and what I discovered with a local business coach on how I could expand my business in year (despite going on maternity leave) and deliver more impact.

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4 not-so secret marketing tools most Social Entrepreneurs aren't using

Want FOUR free marketing tools for your Social Enterprise? Not having enough cash for marketing is one of the most common reasons Social Entrepreneurs give for not being able to grow and sustain their business. I get it, I was there myself just 5 years ago, focused on all the doing rather than generating sales and income. And then… I found these free SOLUTIONS (which had actually been there all along, well at least for the last 10 years) but I had been completely ignoring their potential.

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