if you've created your social enterprise or purpose-driven business and you’re doing all the things but you’re not anywhere near generating the kind of income you know you actually want to, I want you to know it’s possible to turn things around. Join Make Money Whilst Doing Good membership for social entrepreneurs and purpose-driven founders.
Read MoreGetting your pricing right can be a real game-changer for any business, so I wanted to share with you the key pricing choices you have and share the key things you need to consider, depending on which one(s) you choose.
Read MoreIf you’re thinking about offering a service to corporates but wondering how much income you could actually make, this blog answers it all. It’s probably a lot more than you realise. It’s something my social enterprise earns £70k plus a year from, and my clients up to £90k in a single pitch!
Read MoreIf you’d like to sell to corporates but you’re wondering “What would they want to buy from me? What do I have that’s sellable?” I’m sharing some ideas and helpful questions in this blog to get you started.
Read MoreMany of you write to me saying you’re trying to decide on a price that enables ethical brands or social enterprises to afford your services but you also need to pay yourself a wage, cover your business bills AND most importantly give back/make a donation to a charity or cause of your choice. The problem isn’t the price it’s your perception of the industry you’re selling to and the shift we all need to make in creating a new reality.
Read More...without a business model that works for you and your social enterprise you may find you're often struggling to make enough each month to pay the bills; you often feeling like your chasing your tail; you're not sure if you can carry on; and you never have quite enough to deliver the impact you really want to make.
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