Change doesn’t just happen as a result of showing up to a coaching session, it’s often just the start of it, so here are some ways to make the most out of your coaching session with Kat (or indeed any other coach you work with)
Read More**I'm offering 10 hours of free coaching throughout July & August with a pay-it-forward option**
Read MoreI know for some, trying to understand how a coach can actually help you achieve a sales goal (or any goals for that matter) is all a bit mystical and mysterious at times, especially if you've never worked with one before. So here I demystify my approach for you.
Read MoreThe key to successful sales and clients flocking to you as a social entrepreneur or purpose-driven business owner.
Read MoreWhy coaching for social entrepreneurs is so important, possibly more so than training and mentoring.
Read MoreLessons I've learnt over the past 8 years as a social entrepreneur
Read MoreAfter 8 years as a social entrepreneur I can categorically say it's not easy working for yourself, running your own business and having a life you love too. But I still choose to do it in a heartbeat.
Read MoreAnd so it is done - the mindset of the possible.
Read MoreThere’s 3 questions I ask people who’ve not had much luck with coaches in the past, to make sure we set the right foundations for our coaching relationship.
Read MoreWhat my first social enterprise has achieved in the past 8 years since we set it up.
Read MoreWhen we're not doing what we love, it's easy to lose ourselves. And it's easy for the doubt to creep in and those feelings of "Am I actually any good at this?"
Read MoreWhy is no-one teaching social entrepreneurs about ethical, value-led sales approaches that work? Here's what I think and why I decided to do something about it.
Read MoreHow do you feel about selling and sales? If you're a social entrepreneur feeling deeply uncomfortable about the need to sell your products and services to actually generate revenue, know there is another way to think about sales.
Read MoreSales calls? If you want to do them, here’s how to do it with integrity so the experience is positive for everyone
Read MoreI don't have it all figured out. My life is far from perfect. It's messy at times. I doubt myself regularly. But I am still able to secure high paying, pay in full clients with confidence and ease. I allow pricing not to be the thing that holds me back from earning what I truly need and want.
Read MoreBefore we even really get started this year, I want you to know that if you're feeling like you're already behind...stop worrying, you're not. How you can work with me in this year in quarter one.
It’s time to re-define selling and sales in a way that feels right to you. It’s your business, you’ve already defined the ethos and ethics of how you want to operate and create impact so why not apply this to your sales strategy.
Read MoreSales doesn't have to be pushy, persuasive, manipulative, aggressive, dishonest, cloak & dagger, excessive, or overwhelming. It gets to be what you want it to be....with integrity, transparency, honesty, respect and equality.
Read MoreAnything can become easy when you embody confidence in yourself and the results you can get people.
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