All too many social enterprises start their business by applying and eventually securing grant funding. Some also try crowdfunding or asking for donations and sponsorship. I’m not opposed to any of these methods of generating income per se, however I do think there’s an issue if this is the only way new social enterprises think about how to generate income and don’t have an income strategy or business plan to generate the income they need on a sustainable business.
Read MoreWhy do so many social enterprises struggle to generate the income they need? It’s a question I’ve been answering ever since I started as a social entrepreneur back in 2013, and one of the main reasons why I set up my business Share Impact, to help social enterprises create sustainable trading incomes. In this blog I share the 4 most common reasons I’ve seen from working with hundreds of social enterprises.
Read MoreYou don't have to be anything more than you are right now to make sales with corporates as a social enterprise. Learn more about my experience making my first corporate sale, as a twenty-something with no sales or corporate experience.
Read MoreThe ECOPRENEUR SUMMIT is designed to help you build a thriving service-based business that doesn't cost the earth.
Read MoreThe biggest risk to your social enterprise surviving is a lack of income / turnover / revenue / cash. AKA not having enough MONEY.
Read MoreIt was one of the most significant shifts I had when I started out as a social entrepreneur - “start SELLING to generate income and STOP ASKING for money” . In this blog I explain why you need to start selling and stop asking for sponsorship as a social entrepreneur.
Read MoreIf you’re thinking about offering a service to corporates but wondering how much income you could actually make, this blog answers it all. It’s probably a lot more than you realise. It’s something my social enterprise earns £70k plus a year from, and my clients up to £90k in a single pitch!
Read MoreIf, like me 7 years ago, you don’t have experience of working in corporates; don’t have any links to anyone in corporate and have never sold anything to corporates before how do you get started? This is what I cover in my free webinar: How to get started selling to corporates? And in this blog I’m giving you a little taster of what we cover.
Read MoreAre corporates buying right now, in a global pandemic? is it the right time to be pitching my offer to corporates right now? Two important questions social entrepreneurs are asking when thinking about creating, pitching and selling their services to corporates and businesses, and a valid fear considering everything thats’ going on. But YES corporates are buying right now and from social entrepreneurs. In this blog I explain why and how it’s not all doom and gloom.
Read MoreSustainable social enterprises often have multiple income streams and selling to corporates is a great way to increase your trading income your social enterprise. It’s how I got started as a social entrepreneur, selling our education programme to corporates in the energy, utility and construction sector. I now teach social entrepreneurs, like you, to do the same because with more income you can create more social impact.
Read MoreIf you’re a social entrepreneur or running a social enterprise you know the importance of measuring your social and environmental impact. In this short blog I share what you need to know to get started measuring your impact, including why it’s so important for your business success.
Read MoreA survey for anyone in my Facebook Group, The Impact Entrepreneurs Club, following me on FB or Instagram or my blog. This is to help me understand more about you and the community I support, as well as what specific support you need over the next 12 months.
Read MoreWhen I started as a Social Entrepreneur back in 2013, I knew we had an incredible vision for what we wanted to deliver but I honestly didn't know how we we're going to generate a trading income. Now I teach social enterprises how to create their own unique income and sales strategy, that aligns to their values and uses the power of the impact they create to attract and connect with customers.
Read MoreHere is a little snippet from my interview with Will at Green Element on his Sustainable Business Podcast.
Read MoreLooking for accountants that specialise in supporting social enterprises in the UK? Here are two recommendations to consider.
Read MoreAfter seven years of selling to coporates as a social entrepreneur and helping my clients do the same, I’ve learnt A LOT. Here I share my top six lessons I learnt the hard way so you don’t make the same mistakes.
Read MoreIf you’d like to sell to corporates but you’re wondering “What would they want to buy from me? What do I have that’s sellable?” I’m sharing some ideas and helpful questions in this blog to get you started.
Read MoreWhen I started as a Social Entrepreneur, back in 2013, I had absolutely no experience of selling and in truth IT TERRIFIED ME, but our business model was based on generating a trading income from selling to corporates so we had learn everything we could to finding, attracting and pitching to people in corporates. This is my story.
Read MoreMany of you write to me saying you’re trying to decide on a price that enables ethical brands or social enterprises to afford your services but you also need to pay yourself a wage, cover your business bills AND most importantly give back/make a donation to a charity or cause of your choice. The problem isn’t the price it’s your perception of the industry you’re selling to and the shift we all need to make in creating a new reality.
Read MoreThere’s this super simple approach I take each month to make sure I achieve my monthly income goals in my social enterprise and help my clients do the same. Watch the video to find out how.
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