Posts tagged Selling
#95 8 principles to help you shift the way you think about sales

Sales the lifeblood of our business but the area many of us come unstuck because of all the unhelpful beliefs, narratives and "truths" we've heard we "have to do" in order to make sales. Well here's 8 shifts I've made in my own thinking about sales to help me feel more aligned when it comes to selling and doing it more easefully.

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#19 Three ways to generate income from corporates as social enterprise

Discover the three different models you can generate income from selling to corporates in this episode. Perfect if you’re service based, have specific knowledge and skills, or wanting to create impact with corporates.

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#17 Two steps to achieve your monthly income goal

If you’ve been struggling to reach your monthly income goal for a while, or don’t even have one then this is the episode for you. This is where I get started with all my clients (1:1 and group programmes). Without this first step you can’t move forward.

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#14 No more little girls voice when it comes to sales with Penny Elliott

Penny Elliot is the founder of helping female entrepreneurs get momentum in their businesses to have the life and business the deserve. The sharp shooting kiwi gives direct advice that motivates and inspires women to reach for a higher version of themselves. Published in over 30 publications worldwide, she also love to be outside pushing herself in triathalon and running, completing 18 Ironman's including the World Champs and over 40 marathons. All while being a wife and mum to her son and crazy bengal cat.

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Measuring Social Value for corporates with Danielle Aberg

I am super passionate about helping more social enterprises realise the opportunities for working with (and selling to) corporates (and not asking for sponsorship). Which is why I invited Danielle on the podcast. She is the Founder of CSRCo. a social value consultancy that helps businesses add value within their workforce, supply chain and the wider community. Dani predominantly works with corporates, often designing and delivering programmes that deliver social value.

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